Monday, February 20, 2012

RJA 5a - Books

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers:  Peter S. Harper, Author and Editor
Title and Subtitle:  Landmarks in Medical Genetics:  Classic papers with commentaries
Edition number or information:  NA
Number(s) of volume used:  NA
Name of series:  NA
Place of publication:  NA
Name of Publisher:  Oxford University Press
Date of publication (copyright):  2004
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  gene mapping, medicine
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  13,400
Relevance of hits (1-5):  5

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers:  Edited by Theodore Friedmann, Jay C. Dunlap, Stephen F. Goodwin
Title and Subtitle:  Advances in Genetics
Edition number or information:  1st edition
Number(s) of volume used:  76
Name of series:  Advances in Genetics
Place of publication:  USA
Name of Publisher:  Academic Press
Date of publication (copyright):  2011
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  genetics, medical advances
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  18,700
Relevance of hits (1-5):  4

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers:  Lyyn B. Jorde, John C. Carey, Michael J. Bamshad
Title and Subtitle:  Medical Genetics
Edition number or information:  Fourth edition
Number(s) of volume used:  NA
Name of series:  NA
Place of publication:  Philadelphia, PA, USA
Name of Publisher:  Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Date of publication (copyright):  2006
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  genetics, medicine
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  186,000
Relevance of hits (1-5):  3

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers: Gerard Magill
Title and Subtitle:  Genetics and ethics:  an interdisciplinary study
Edition number or information:  NA
Number(s) of volume used:  NA
Name of series:  NA
Place of publication:  USA
Name of Publisher:  Saint Louis University Press
Date of publication (copyright):  2004
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  genetic medicine, ethics
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  25,000
Relevance of hits (1-5):  4

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers: John E. J. Rasko, Gabrielle O’Sullivan, Rachel A. Ankeny
Title and Subtitle:  The ethics of inheritable genetic modification: a dividing line?
Edition number or information:  NA
Number(s) of volume used:  NA
Name of series:  NA
Place of publication:  USA
Name of Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
Date of publication (copyright):  2006
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  gene maping, ethics
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  12,900
Relevance of hits (1-5):  5

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