Monday, February 13, 2012

RJA 4a:

Author:  Maya Pines
Title of the article:  Progress Continues
Title of Reference Work:  Blazing a Genetic Trail:  A report from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Place of Publication:  Online
Name of Publisher:  Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Date of Publication:  Unknown
Page Numbers:  NA
Web Address:
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  Genetic Medicine
Search Strategies used:  genetics AND medicine
Date of search:  2-13-12
Relevance of hits:  4

Author:  NA
Title of the Article:  Handbook:  Help me understand genetics
Title of Reference Work:  The US National Library of Medicine
Place of publication:  Online
Name of Publisher:  Genetcs Home Reference:  Your guide to understanding Genetic Conditions
Date of Publication:  February 6th, 2012
Page Number:  NA
Web Address:
Resource Searched:  Genetics Home Reference
Search Strategies used:  Genetics AND medicine; gene mapping AND medicine
Date of search:  2-13-12
Relevance of hits:  3

RJA 4b
1)  Discuss with my family physician or other doctors I know
2)  Discuss with a representative at a pharmaceutical company
3)  Discuss with hospital staff
4)  Attend a Clinical Genetics conference or meeting (Denver Genetic Labs at CU Boulder)
5)  Artempt to speak with some of the people contributing to the Human Genome Project

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