Monday, February 27, 2012

RJA 6b

Type of tool:  Social Media Search
Resource searched/tool used:
Keywords used:  genomics, medicine
Search strategies used: AND
Date of search: 2-27-12
Number of hits: 15
Relevance of hits: 4

Type of tool:  Multimedia Search
Resource searched/tool used:
Keywords used: Genomics
Search strategies used: None
Date of search: 2-27-12
Number of hits: 80,000
Relevance of hits: 2

Type of tool:  Other search
Resource searched/tool used:
Keywords used: Genomic medicine
Search strategies used: None
Date of search: 2-27-12
Number of hits: 1,610,000
Relevance of hits: 4

RJA 6a

Type of tool:  Invisible Web Search
Resource searched/tool used:
Keywords used: genomics, medicine
Search strategies used: AND
Date of search: 2-27-12
Number of hits: 27,539
Relevance of hits: 3

Type of tool:  Directories
Resource searched/tool used:
Keywords used:  genomics
Search strategies used:  none
Date of search:  2-27-12
Number of hits:  3
Relevance of hits:  3

Type of tool:  Meta/Multi search
Resource searched/tool used:
Keywords used:  genetics, medicine
Search strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-27-12
Number of hits:  ?
Relevance of hits:  5

Type of tool:  Search Engines
Resource searched/tool used:
Keywords used:  genomic medicine
Search strategies used:  "genomic medicine"
Date of search:  2-27-12
Number of hits:  modified summary; 20 sentences
Relevance of hits:  5

Monday, February 20, 2012

RJA 5b - Periodicals

Name(s) of author(s):  Alan Peterson
Title of article:  Biofantasies:  genetics and medicine in the print news media
Title of periodical:  Social Science & Medicine
Volume and issue number (if available):  V52, I8
Date:  1/31/2001
Pages on which article appears:  1255-1268
Resource searched:  Google Scholar
Keywords used:  genetics, medicine
Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): AND
Date of search: 2-20-12
Number of hits: 2,200,000
Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5):  3

Name(s) of author(s):  Joseph D. Terwilliger and Harold H. H. Goring       
Title of article:  Update to Terwilliger and Göring's “Gene Mapping in the 20th and 21st Centuries” (2000): Gene Mapping When Rare Variants Are Common and Common Variants Are Rare
Title of periodical:  Human Biology
Volume and issue number (if available):  V81, 5-6
Date:  December 2009
Pages on which article appears:  729-733
Resource searched:  Google Scholar
Keywords used:  gene mapping, medicine
Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): AND
Date of search: 2-20-12
Number of hits: 234,000
Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5):  4

Name(s) of author(s):  David J. Hunter, Muin J. Khoury, Jeffrey M. Drazen           
Title of article:  Letting the Genome out of the Bottle – Will we get our wish?
Title of periodical:  New England Journal of Medicine
Volume and issue number (if available):  358
Date:  January 10, 2008
Pages on which article appears:  105-107
Resource searched:  Google Scholar
Keywords used:  genetic medicine, ethics
Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): AND
Date of search: 2-20-12
Number of hits: 282,000
Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5):  2

Name(s) of author(s):  Ulrike Felt, Maximilian Fochler, Annina Muller,  Michael Strassnig              
Title of article:  Unruly ethics:  on the difficulties of a bottom-up approach to ethics in the field of genomics
Title of periodical:  Public Understanding of Science
Volume and issue number (if available):  V18, I3
Date:  May 2009
Pages on which article appears:  354-371
Resource searched:  Google Scholar
Keywords used:  gene mapping, ethics
Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): AND
Date of search: 2-20-12
Number of hits: 39,600
Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5):  4

Name(s) of author(s):  Christopher J. O’Donnell, Elizabeth G. Nabel        
Title of article:  Cardiovascular Genomics, Personalized Medicine, and the National Heart, Lunch, and Blood Institute:  Part I:  The Beginning of an Era
Title of periodical:  Circulations: Cardiovascular Genetics
Volume and issue number (if available):  V1, I1
Date:  January 2008
Pages on which article appears:  51-57
Resource searched:  Google Scholar
Keywords used:  genomics, medicine
Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): AND
Date of search: 2-20-12
Number of hits: 231,000
Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5):  4

RJA 5a - Books

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers:  Peter S. Harper, Author and Editor
Title and Subtitle:  Landmarks in Medical Genetics:  Classic papers with commentaries
Edition number or information:  NA
Number(s) of volume used:  NA
Name of series:  NA
Place of publication:  NA
Name of Publisher:  Oxford University Press
Date of publication (copyright):  2004
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  gene mapping, medicine
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  13,400
Relevance of hits (1-5):  5

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers:  Edited by Theodore Friedmann, Jay C. Dunlap, Stephen F. Goodwin
Title and Subtitle:  Advances in Genetics
Edition number or information:  1st edition
Number(s) of volume used:  76
Name of series:  Advances in Genetics
Place of publication:  USA
Name of Publisher:  Academic Press
Date of publication (copyright):  2011
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  genetics, medical advances
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  18,700
Relevance of hits (1-5):  4

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers:  Lyyn B. Jorde, John C. Carey, Michael J. Bamshad
Title and Subtitle:  Medical Genetics
Edition number or information:  Fourth edition
Number(s) of volume used:  NA
Name of series:  NA
Place of publication:  Philadelphia, PA, USA
Name of Publisher:  Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Date of publication (copyright):  2006
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  genetics, medicine
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  186,000
Relevance of hits (1-5):  3

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers: Gerard Magill
Title and Subtitle:  Genetics and ethics:  an interdisciplinary study
Edition number or information:  NA
Number(s) of volume used:  NA
Name of series:  NA
Place of publication:  USA
Name of Publisher:  Saint Louis University Press
Date of publication (copyright):  2004
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  genetic medicine, ethics
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  25,000
Relevance of hits (1-5):  4

Authors, Editors, Translators, and/or compilers: John E. J. Rasko, Gabrielle O’Sullivan, Rachel A. Ankeny
Title and Subtitle:  The ethics of inheritable genetic modification: a dividing line?
Edition number or information:  NA
Number(s) of volume used:  NA
Name of series:  NA
Place of publication:  USA
Name of Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
Date of publication (copyright):  2006
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  gene maping, ethics
Search Strategies used:  AND
Date of search:  2-20-12
Number of hits:  12,900
Relevance of hits (1-5):  5

Monday, February 13, 2012

RJA 4a:

Author:  Maya Pines
Title of the article:  Progress Continues
Title of Reference Work:  Blazing a Genetic Trail:  A report from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Place of Publication:  Online
Name of Publisher:  Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Date of Publication:  Unknown
Page Numbers:  NA
Web Address:
Resource Searched:
Keywords used:  Genetic Medicine
Search Strategies used:  genetics AND medicine
Date of search:  2-13-12
Relevance of hits:  4

Author:  NA
Title of the Article:  Handbook:  Help me understand genetics
Title of Reference Work:  The US National Library of Medicine
Place of publication:  Online
Name of Publisher:  Genetcs Home Reference:  Your guide to understanding Genetic Conditions
Date of Publication:  February 6th, 2012
Page Number:  NA
Web Address:
Resource Searched:  Genetics Home Reference
Search Strategies used:  Genetics AND medicine; gene mapping AND medicine
Date of search:  2-13-12
Relevance of hits:  3

RJA 4b
1)  Discuss with my family physician or other doctors I know
2)  Discuss with a representative at a pharmaceutical company
3)  Discuss with hospital staff
4)  Attend a Clinical Genetics conference or meeting (Denver Genetic Labs at CU Boulder)
5)  Artempt to speak with some of the people contributing to the Human Genome Project

Monday, February 6, 2012


TermGene MappingMedicineEthics
FODNA mapping
Medical Ethics
RESTHuman Genome Project
Gene mapping for prevention
Gene mapping for cure
Genetic medicine
Pros and cons to pharmaceutical medicine
Hippocratic oath
Cost and effectiveness vs. feasability


I still don't have my book; I'm sorry, but it might be some time before it arrives.  I will just continue taking docks for it in the mean time.