Thursday, May 10, 2012

RJA 15b

The research topic was of utmost importance to me.  As a soon-to-be new father, the impact of genetics on my child is enormous.  In fact, even as we went in for our first obstetrician appointment, we were given information on how to save the child's stem cells and stem blood via the umbilical cord.  These can then be used in the future to help with genetic defects, and in the future, for things such as lymphoblastoma (cancer) and Parkinson's disease.  In addition, my family is rife with doctors, and as such, my interest level in medicine has always been incredibly high.

As far as the class, I did brush up on  few things such as MLA and APA, and I was thankful that the process of researching and writing the paper gave me so much insight into my topic.  I really enjoyed the directed approach and "building" into a paper as opposed to being assigned a ton of papers to write.  While they helped, I thought the frequency of the discussions was a bit high in comparison to the value they provide (to me, at least).

Lastly, I think the biggest problem for me was the inability to make some of these deadlines.  Working 50-60 hours a week, with a pregnant wife, makes it extremely difficult for me to be timely in my submissions.  Part of the reason MSCD offers online classes is to cater to people like myself.  Although I understand the importance of deadlines and timeliness, I feel as though a university that prides itself in having an average age of 26 should take into consideration the time constraints of working students with families who are trying to whittle away at a degree.  I know that this is just my situation, not everyone's, but it's frustrating to know that I have all the ability in the world to do what's asked of me, just not the time to get it submitted by the due date.

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