Monday, April 2, 2012

RJA 10b

1)   Research has already provided us ways to diagnose and potentially treat many diseases, such as certain forms of childhood leukemia, X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disease (X-SCID), and many others (
2)  Genes are common among all organisms, and unlocking them could give us the answers to questions like, "how are trees able to process carbon monoxide and turn it into oxygen?" -- answers that could help provide solutions for other issues such as sustainable energy
3)  Genetic disorders, especially those that are unavoidable, could be treated and diagnosed before birth
4)  People are constantly hungry for knowledge, and this is one of the few areas outside of deep space and deep marine which are still open for exploration.  The cartographers of today are genetic scientists, mapping out the millions of routes and channels that make "us."
5)  There is the potential of organ replication using only a small sample of cells; imagine being able to have a spare heart in case yours stops... the possibilities are endless!

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