Monday, March 12, 2012

RJA 8b

In conducting my field research, I plan on speaking to several people about genetic medicine and the impacts it could have.

1)  A doctor - my girlfriend is an ophthalmic nurse, and the generation of the retina (brain tissue) is at the forefront of genomic research.  Dr. Kimura is the executive president of the practice she works at, and is currently writing a dissertation on genetic medicine.  I plan on having a lunch meeting with Dr. Kimura to discuss further, but I'm waiting to learn when our schedules might mesh.

a)  What are some of the advances in the ophthalmic field regarding genetic medicine and genomics?
b)  How can you see genomics changing the face of medicine, from detection and diagnosis to treatment and recovery, or even prevention?
c)  What are some barriers that genetic medicine might face?
d)  What might be some ethical/moral issues that might surface when it comes to research or application of genetic medicine?
e)  Is the idea of individualized medicine that far-fetched?  In our lifetimes?
f)  What sort of big-picture impacts do you see in a society that has a cure for everything?  Overpopulation, depleted resources, etc. come to mind, but I want your take.
g)  There are medicines out there right now that have serious impact -- we know that MAOI inhibitors and SSRI's can create new neural pathways and literlly change the chemistry of our brain -- but are considered by many to be the only cure for severe depression.  How might genetic medicine impact some of these serious side effects?  Could there be new, unconsidered side effects?

2)  A pharmaceutical representative - I have researched several pharmaceutical companies and have a few friends that are in the pharmaceutical sales field... however I'd really like to try and find someone who works in the R&D department at pharmaceutical company.  I'd like to make a visit to the representative's office if at all possible, and if not, conduct a phone interview.

a)  What are some pros and cons of genetic medicine?
b)  What sort of comparisons might be made between genetic medicine and current pharmaceuticals?
c)  There are many drugs currently that over time can change the chemistry of the brain, create new neural pathways, etc.; how might genetic medicine impact side effects?  What side effects could occur that we haven't considered in comparison to traditional medicine?
d)  What do you see on the horizon for pharmaceutical companies and products?

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